Heart Foundation Reformulation Readiness Webinar
The Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership in collaboration with Vanessa Clarkson (Food Systems and Nutrition Policy consultant) held a webinar on “Reformulation Readiness – A best practice guide to salt reduction for Australian food manufacturers”. The webinar outlines the 9 steps for salt reduction reformulation as well as helpful tools and services to assist manufacturers with […]
Sodium Reduction: Assessment to Action
The Health Resources in Action team have recently released an online sodium reduction assessment and action tool kit for food services. The aim of the toolkit is to assist the food service sector to conduct their assessment and then turn their results into an action plan. Areas covered include: food service guidelines and standards, food […]
Launch of ‘Reformulation Readiness – a best practice guide for Australian food manufacturers’
On May 3rd 2019, the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership, consisting of the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth), the Heart Foundation, The George Institute for Global Health and other partners, launched Australia’s first how-to guide for salt reduction in processed and packaged foods, titled ‘Reformulation Readiness: A best practice guide to salt reduction for Australian food […]
Fact sheet and call to action on dietary sodium in Canada
Hypertension Canada released a ‘Fact sheet and call to action on dietary sodium’ in January, which received widespread support from Canadian health and scientific organizations. The fact sheet highlights the risk of high sodium intakes, the importance of population sodium reduction, and opportunities for sodium reduction in Canada. The call to action comprises 10 priority […]
Christmas dip and cracker platters packed with salt
Research conducted by the George Institute for Global Health, in collaboration with the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) and the Heart Foundation Victoria, found that dips and crackers are packed with salt. Salt levels in 849 dips and 1285 crackers were analysed between 2010 and 2017, with data collected from four major supermarkets in Australia […]