Bolton, KA et al recently published data on dietary sodium intake and sources of dietary sodium from dietary recalls in the Victorian adult population. Salt intake from 24hr urine collections (n=338) was estimated as 8.9g/day after adjustment for non-urinary losses. Estimated salt intake from 24hr diet recall was lower, at 6.9g/day. It was estimated that 38% of sodium was from discretionary sources. Main food sources of dietary sodium were: cereal based mixed dishes (12%), flat/savoury/sweet breads (9%) and regular breads/rolls (9%). The group also looked at where foods were obtained from with 51% from retail stores and 28% from restaurants, fast food and take-away. To read more, click here.
Barriers, Enablers, and Perceptions on Dietary Salt Reduction in the Out-of-Home Sectors: A Scoping Review
1 January 1970
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